Many Hands Make Light Work

Barts Choir is run pretty much entirely by volunteers (only our professional musicians are paid!). At present we have just seven trustees (although, constitutionally, we are allowed twice this number), our four Voice Reps, and various small teams of invaluable helpers who deal with practical tasks such as booking and setting up rehearsal spaces and selling scores and concert tickets.

We always welcome offers of help from members but, at present, there are a number of particular areas of concern.

Firstly – Trustees – we simply don’t have enough of them!  As many of you may know from other contexts, recent thinking is that it’s better, for both trustees and the organisations they run, for there to be regular changes of trustee and fresh minds brought to bear. This, in turn, means that organisations can’t simply rely on the same few individuals to keep things going indefinitely. We need a good pool of trustees to share the load and provide continuity as we move forward. So, if you would like to put yourself forward as a trustee, we’d be pleased to hear from you. (You might also know someone you think might make a good trustee but don’t feel comfortable raising it with them. If that’s the case, let one of the trustees or your voice rep know and we’ll approach them – we can’t afford to be shy!)

Social Media is either a bane or a boon but it’s there and we need to use it. We really need someone who knows their way around social media (and ideally knows marketing generally) to help publicise the choir and its concerts. Might that be you?

Programme Design – three times a year we have to put together concert programmes and flyers. There’s no doubt that eye-catching design work helps draw attention to our concerts. Is this an area you know and could help with?

Whilst we are anxious to find volunteers to help out in the three areas highlighted above, it may be that there are other small tasks you could take on – clearing rehearsal venues after rehearsals, organising our termly bake-sale, writing the occasional contribution for Notes, for example. Let us know – all contributions will be welcomed.

You can speak to Voice Reps or Trustees at rehearsal – look out for the bright turquoise lanyards around their necks – or get in touch by sending an email to


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