How Our Mailing Lists Work
Barts Choir runs a single central mailing list which is used to send out emails to members past and present and to our supporters. You can subscribe here. At the beginning of each term, all emails, including the weekly Notes, are sent to everyone on the mailing list. After the first three or four rehearsals of term, the addresses of those who have signed in at any of the term’s rehearsals are tagged to reflect this fact and, after that, Notes is sent only to those who are attending rehearsals. Untagged email addresses receive only general emails about upcoming concerts. At the end of term, the system is reset.
So, if you’re not planning to sing in a particular term but would still like to hear about upcoming concerts, you don’t need to do anything – at the beginning of term you will, like everyone else on the list, receive the first three or four editions of Notes but these will cease after about 3-4 weeks and you will only receive occasional general newsletters during the rest of term. This pattern will be repeated until you choose to rejoin. You don’t need to take any action; the system will take care of it for you.
If you join term late, after the tagging operation has happened (your Voice Rep will know if this is the case), your details may be in the mailing list but you will need to make sure yourself that the term tag is added to your details if you want to receive the weekly Notes for the rest of term. The best way to do this is to email the secretary ( with your full name, voice part and confirmation that you are singing this term.
Unsubscribing should not be done lightly – if you unsubscribe you may never hear from Barts Choir again!
Importantly, once an email address has been unsubscribed from our mailing list, the only person who can re-subscribe it is the owner of the email address – mailing systems are set up this way so that an operator can’t overrule your decision to unsubscribe. So, if you do unsubscribe, you are the only person who can get your email address back into the list and you’ll have to do that yourself – our normal procedures won’t cover it.
(Obviously, there are circumstances where unsubscribing is the right thing to do – you may really want to drop off our mailing list for ever or you might have changed your email address. (Remember, it’s your email address which is subscribed to the mailing list not you, the person, so if you change your email address, you’ll need a whole new entry in the mailing list.) Please think, though, before you hit the ‘unsubscribe’ button whether you really mean to leave the list permanently.